A common problem for small and large companies alike is effective recruitment management. The consequence of hiring the wrong person for a permanent role, even through a recruitment agent, can be devastating to any organisation but smaller companies can suffer most as they lack the resource to overcome the setback. The answer? Contract workers.
With the pressures of fulfilling orders, hitting targets and meeting demands organisations are being increasingly forced to recruit sometimes unsuitable staff in an attempt to “get the job done”. But this isn’t the answer. Placing the wrong person in a role can be detrimental to any company, so instead of making the same mistake so many others are, our clients turn to us, First Call Contract Services to help fill the gap with the right person.
As a successful contractor services agency with a network of 34 regional offices why not let us take the pressure off and help you complete your demands as and when they arise by fulfilling anywhere from 1 to over 1000 contract positions with trained staff.
We are renowned as a generalist recruiter and pride ourselves in our ability to meet the different and various demands of our clients. Whether you require fulfilment of day-to-day positions or are looking for a fully managed solution including back office staff, we can deliver.
For a more information about our general recruitment, specialist sectors and a full list of services please call 08707 66 60 70 or click here to request a call back.